Avast! Antivirus Free

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Android security is becoming an increasingly important issue among smartphone and tablet users. Yes, Androids – just like any computer – can get infected by viruses and malware.
So what can you do to protect your Android? Fortunately, there are plenty of free Android apps available for you to use. Here are a few of our favorite free Android security apps.

Avast! Free

Avast is more than just a pirate’s catchphrase. It’s also a powerful Android antivirus solution. Avast works just like most other Android antivirus programs in that it provides complete protection from all sorts of malicious Android apps. It protects your internet using a web shield and allows you to locate your phone if it’s stolen or lost.
Basically, Avast! does everything that AVG Antivirus Free does. The main difference is that Avast isn’t available from the Google Play store. It has to be downloaded from the Avast website itself.

   Ref ; One Click Root

1 comment:

  1. Android ဖုန္းေတြအတြက္ေတာ့ စမ္းသုံးၾကည့္သင့္တဲ့ Antivirus ေလးပါ :)
